import path from "path"; import {clipboard, ContextMenuParams, dialog, ipcMain, Menu, MenuItem, session, webContents} from "electron"; import ServiceSettingsWindow from "./ServiceSettingsWindow"; import SettingsWindow from "./SettingsWindow"; import Application from "../Application"; import Meta, {SpecialPages} from "../Meta"; import Window from "../Window"; export default class MainWindow extends Window { private activeServiceId: number = 0; private serviceSettingsWindow?: ServiceSettingsWindow; private settingsWindow?: SettingsWindow; public constructor(application: Application) { super(application); } public setup(): void { super.setup({ webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true, webviewTag: true, contextIsolation: false, }, autoHideMenuBar: true, icon: Meta.ICON_PATH, title: Meta.title, show: !this.application.getConfig().startMinimized, }); const window = this.getWindow(); if (!this.application.getConfig().startMinimized) { window.maximize(); } if (this.application.isDevMode()) { window.webContents.openDevTools({ mode: 'right', }); } // Sync data window.webContents.on('dom-ready', () => { this.syncData(); }); // Load active service this.onIpc('setActiveService', (event, index: number) => { this.setActiveService(index); }); // Set a service's favicon this.onIpc('setServiceFavicon', (event, index: number, favicon?: string) => { console.log('Setting service', index, 'favicon', favicon);[index].favicon = favicon;; }); // Reorder services this.onIpc('reorderService', (event, serviceId: number, targetId: number) => { console.log('Reordering services', serviceId, targetId); const oldServices =; = []; for (let i = 0; i < targetId; i++) { if (i !== serviceId) {[i]); } }[serviceId]); for (let i = targetId; i < oldServices.length; i++) { if (i !== serviceId) {[i]); } } event.reply('reorderService', serviceId, targetId);; }); // Update window title ipcMain.on('update-window-title', (event, serviceId: number | null, webContentsId?: number) => { if (serviceId === null) { window.setTitle(Meta.title); } else if (webContentsId) { const service =[serviceId]; const serviceWebContents = webContents.fromId(webContentsId); window.setTitle(Meta.getTitleForService(service, serviceWebContents.getTitle())); } }); // Open settings window ipcMain.on('openSettings', () => { if (!this.settingsWindow) { console.log('Opening settings'); this.settingsWindow = new SettingsWindow(this.application, this); this.settingsWindow.setup(); this.settingsWindow.onClose(() => { this.settingsWindow = undefined; }); } }); // Context menus ipcMain.on('open-service-navigation-context-menu', ( event, serviceId: number, ready: boolean, notReady: boolean, canResetZoom: boolean, ) => { this.openServiceNavigationContextMenu(serviceId, ready, notReady, canResetZoom); }); ipcMain.on('open-service-content-context-menu', ( event, webContentsId: number, ) => { this.openServiceContentContextMenu(webContentsId); }); // User agent ipcMain.on('set-web-contents-user-agent', (event, webContentsId: number, userAgent: string) => { webContents.fromId(webContentsId).setUserAgent(userAgent); }); // Permission management ipcMain.on('set-partition-permissions', ( event, serviceId: number, partition: string, ) => { this.setPartitionPermissions(serviceId, partition); }); // Navigation ipcMain.on('go-forward', (event, webContentsId: number) => { webContents.fromId(webContentsId).goForward(); }); ipcMain.on('go-back', (event, webContentsId: number) => { webContents.fromId(webContentsId).goBack(); }); // Create new service ipcMain.on('create-new-service', () => { this.openServiceSettings(null); }); window.on('enter-full-screen', () => { window.webContents.send('fullscreenchange', true); }); window.on('leave-full-screen', () => { window.webContents.send('fullscreenchange', false); }); // Load navigation view window.loadFile(path.resolve(Meta.RESOURCES_PATH, 'index.html')) .catch(console.error); } public syncData(): void { this.getWindow().webContents.send('data', Meta.title, Meta.ICON_SETS, this.activeServiceId, { empty: path.resolve(Meta.RESOURCES_PATH, 'empty.html'), connectionError: path.resolve(Meta.RESOURCES_PATH, 'connection_error.html'), fileNotFound: path.resolve(Meta.RESOURCES_PATH, 'file_not_found_error.html'), }, this.config, ); } private setActiveService(index: number) { console.log('Set active service', index); this.activeServiceId = index; } private openServiceSettings(serviceId: number | null): void { console.log('o', serviceId, !!this.serviceSettingsWindow); if (!this.serviceSettingsWindow) { console.log('Opening service settings', serviceId); this.serviceSettingsWindow = new ServiceSettingsWindow(this.application, this, serviceId); this.serviceSettingsWindow.setup(); this.serviceSettingsWindow.onClose(() => { this.serviceSettingsWindow = undefined; }); } } private deleteService(serviceId: number): void { console.log('Deleting service', serviceId);, 1);; this.getWindow().webContents.send('deleteService', serviceId); } private openServiceNavigationContextMenu( serviceId: number, ready: boolean, notReady: boolean, canResetZoom: boolean, ): void { const ipc = this.getWindow().webContents; const permissions =[serviceId].permissions; const menu = new Menu(); menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Home', click: () => { ipc.send('load-service-home', serviceId); }, enabled: ready, })); menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: ready ? 'Reload' : 'Load', click: () => { ipc.send('reload-service', serviceId); }, enabled: ready || notReady, })); menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Close', click: () => { ipc.send('unload-service', serviceId); }, enabled: ready, })); menu.append(new MenuItem({type: "separator"})); menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Reset zoom level', click: () => { ipc.send('reset-service-zoom-level', serviceId); }, enabled: ready && canResetZoom, })); menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Zoom in', click: () => { ipc.send('zoom-in-service', serviceId); }, enabled: ready, })); menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Zoom out', click: () => { ipc.send('zoom-out-service', serviceId); }, enabled: ready, })); menu.append(new MenuItem({type: "separator"})); const permissionsMenu = []; if (ready) { for (const domain of Object.keys(permissions)) { const domainPermissionsMenu = []; const domainPermissions = permissions[domain]; if (domainPermissions) { for (const permission of domainPermissions) { domainPermissionsMenu.push({ label: (permission.authorized ? '✓' : '❌') + ' ' +, submenu: [{ label: 'Toggle', click: () => { permission.authorized = !permission.authorized;; }, }, { label: 'Forget', click: () => { permissions[domain] = domainPermissions.filter(p => p !== permission); }, }], }); } } if (domainPermissionsMenu.length > 0) { permissionsMenu.push({ label: domain, submenu: domainPermissionsMenu, }); } } } menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Permissions', enabled: ready, submenu: permissionsMenu, })); menu.append(new MenuItem({type: "separator"})); menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Edit', click: () => { this.openServiceSettings(serviceId); }, })); menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Delete', click: () => { dialog.showMessageBox(this.getWindow(), { type: 'question', title: 'Confirm', message: 'Are you sure you want to delete this service?', buttons: ['Cancel', 'Confirm'], cancelId: 0, }).then(result => { if (result.response === 1) { this.deleteService(serviceId); } }).catch(console.error); }, })); menu.popup({window: this.getWindow()}); } private openServiceContentContextMenu( webContentsId: number, ): void { const serviceWebContents = webContents.fromId(webContentsId); serviceWebContents.on('context-menu', (event, props: ContextMenuParams) => { const menu = new Menu(); const {editFlags} = props; // linkURL if (props.linkURL.length > 0) { if (menu.items.length > 0) { menu.append(new MenuItem({type: 'separator'})); } menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Copy link URL', click: () => { clipboard.writeText(props.linkURL); }, })); menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Open URL in default browser', click: () => { this.application.openExternalLink(props.linkURL) .catch(console.error); }, })); } // Image if (props.hasImageContents) { if (menu.items.length > 0) { menu.append(new MenuItem({type: 'separator'})); } menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Copy image', click: () => { serviceWebContents.copyImageAt(props.x, props.y); }, })); menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Save image as', click: () => { serviceWebContents.downloadURL(props.srcURL); }, })); } // Text clipboard if (editFlags.canUndo || editFlags.canRedo || editFlags.canCut || editFlags.canCopy || editFlags.canPaste || editFlags.canDelete) { if (editFlags.canUndo || editFlags.canRedo) { if (menu.items.length > 0) { menu.append(new MenuItem({type: 'separator'})); } if (editFlags.canUndo) { menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Undo', role: 'undo', })); } if (editFlags.canRedo) { menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Redo', role: 'redo', })); } } if (menu.items.length > 0) { menu.append(new MenuItem({type: 'separator'})); } menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Cut', role: 'cut', enabled: editFlags.canCut, })); menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Copy', role: 'copy', enabled: editFlags.canCopy, })); menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Paste', role: 'paste', enabled: editFlags.canPaste, })); menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Delete', role: 'delete', enabled: editFlags.canDelete, })); } if (editFlags.canSelectAll) { if (menu.items.length > 0) { menu.append(new MenuItem({type: 'separator'})); } menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Select all', role: 'selectAll', })); } // Inspect element if (menu.items.length > 0) { menu.append(new MenuItem({type: 'separator'})); } menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Inspect element', click: () => { serviceWebContents.inspectElement(props.x, props.y); }, })); menu.popup({ window: this.getWindow(), }); }); } private setPartitionPermissions( serviceId: number, partition: string, ): void { const service =[serviceId]; function getUrlDomain(url: string | undefined) { if (!url) return ''; const matches = url.match(/^https?:\/\/((.+?)\/|(.+))/i); if (matches !== null) { let domain = matches[1]; if (domain.endsWith('/')) domain = domain.substr(0, domain.length - 1); return domain; } return ''; } function getDomainPermissions(domain: string) { let domainPermissions = service.permissions[domain]; if (!domainPermissions) domainPermissions = service.permissions[domain] = []; return domainPermissions; } const serviceSession = session.fromPartition(partition); serviceSession.setPermissionRequestHandler((webContents, permissionName, callback, details) => { const domain = getUrlDomain(details.requestingUrl); const domainPermissions = getDomainPermissions(domain); const existingPermissions = domainPermissions.filter(p => === permissionName); if (existingPermissions.length > 0) { callback(existingPermissions[0].authorized); return; } dialog.showMessageBox(this.getWindow(), { type: 'question', title: 'Grant ' + permissionName + ' permission', message: 'Do you wish to grant the ' + permissionName + ' permission to ' + domain + '?', buttons: ['Deny', 'Authorize'], cancelId: 0, }).then(result => { const authorized = result.response === 1; domainPermissions.push({ name: permissionName, authorized: authorized, });; console.log(authorized ? 'Granted' : 'Denied', permissionName, 'for domain', domain); callback(authorized); }).catch(console.error); }); serviceSession.setPermissionCheckHandler((webContents1, permissionName, requestingOrigin, details) => { console.log('Permission check', permissionName, requestingOrigin, details); const domain = getUrlDomain(details.requestingUrl); const domainPermissions = getDomainPermissions(domain); const existingPermissions = domainPermissions.filter(p => === permissionName); return existingPermissions.length > 0 && existingPermissions[0].authorized; }); } }