import {ipcRenderer, remote} from "electron"; let isImageCheckbox: HTMLInputElement | null; let builtInIconSearchField: HTMLInputElement | null; let iconSelect: HTMLInputElement | null; let iconUrlField: HTMLInputElement | null; let h1: HTMLElement | null; let nameInput: HTMLInputElement | null; let urlInput: HTMLInputElement | null; let useFaviconInput: HTMLInputElement | null; let autoLoadInput: HTMLInputElement | null; let customCssInput: HTMLInputElement | null; let customUserAgentInput: HTMLInputElement | null; let serviceId: number; let service: any; ipcRenderer.on('syncIcons', (event, iconSets) => { let icons: any[] = []; for (const set of iconSets) { icons = icons.concat(set); } loadIcons(icons); }); ipcRenderer.on('loadService', (e, id, data) => { console.log('Load service', id); if (id === null) { document.title = 'Add a new service'; service = {}; if (h1) h1.innerText = 'Add a new service'; } else { serviceId = id; service = data; if (h1) h1.innerText = 'Service settings'; loadServiceValues(); } }); document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { isImageCheckbox = document.querySelector('#is-image'); builtInIconSearchField = document.querySelector('#built-in-icon-search'); iconSelect = document.querySelector('#icon-select'); iconUrlField = document.querySelector('#icon-url'); h1 = document.querySelector('h1'); nameInput = document.getElementById('name'); urlInput = document.getElementById('url'); useFaviconInput = document.getElementById('use-favicon'); autoLoadInput = document.getElementById('auto-load'); customCssInput = document.getElementById('custom-css'); customUserAgentInput = document.getElementById('custom-user-agent'); isImageCheckbox?.addEventListener('click', () => { updateIconChoiceForm(isImageCheckbox?.checked); }); updateIconChoiceForm(isImageCheckbox?.checked); builtInIconSearchField?.addEventListener('input', updateIconSearchResults); document.getElementById('cancel-button')?.addEventListener('click', e => { e.preventDefault(); remote.getCurrentWindow().close(); }); document.querySelector('form')?.addEventListener('submit', e => { e.preventDefault(); save(); }); ipcRenderer.send('sync-settings'); document.getElementById('userAgentAutoFillFirefox')?.addEventListener('click', () => { let customUserAgent = document.getElementById('custom-user-agent'); if (customUserAgent) { (customUserAgent).value = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:78.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/78.0'; } }); document.getElementById('userAgentAutoFillChrome')?.addEventListener('click', () => { let customUserAgent = document.getElementById('custom-user-agent'); if (customUserAgent) { (customUserAgent).value = 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.116 Safari/537.36'; } }); }); function updateIconSearchResults() { const searchStr: string = builtInIconSearchField!.value; (iconSelect?.childNodes).forEach((c: HTMLElement) => { let parts = c.dataset.icon?.split('/') || ''; let iconName = parts[1] || parts[0]; if (iconName.match(searchStr) || searchStr.match(iconName)) { c.classList.remove('hidden'); } else { c.classList.add('hidden'); } }); } function loadIcons(icons: any[]) { icons.sort((a, b) => > ? 1 : -1); for (const icon of icons) { if ( === 0) continue; const choice = document.createElement('label'); choice.dataset.icon = `${icon.set}/${}`; choice.classList.add('choice'); const display = document.createElement('img'); display.src = `images/icons/${icon.set}/${}.svg`; choice.appendChild(display); const label = document.createElement('span'); label.innerText =; choice.appendChild(label); const radio = document.createElement('input'); radio.setAttribute('type', 'radio'); radio.setAttribute('name', 'icon'); radio.setAttribute('value', choice.dataset.icon); choice.appendChild(radio); iconSelect?.appendChild(choice); choice.addEventListener('click', () => { selectIcon(choice); }); } } function selectIcon(choice: HTMLElement) { if (builtInIconSearchField) builtInIconSearchField.value = choice.dataset.icon || ''; if (iconSelect) { for (const otherChoice of iconSelect.children) { otherChoice.classList.remove('selected'); } } choice.classList.add('selected'); let radio: HTMLInputElement | null = choice.querySelector('input[type=radio]'); if (radio) radio.checked = true; } function updateIconChoiceForm(isUrl: any) { if (isUrl) { iconSelect?.classList.add('hidden'); builtInIconSearchField?.parentElement?.classList.add('hidden'); iconUrlField?.parentElement?.classList.remove('hidden'); } else { iconSelect?.classList.remove('hidden'); builtInIconSearchField?.parentElement?.classList.remove('hidden'); iconUrlField?.parentElement?.classList.add('hidden'); } } function loadServiceValues() { if (!service || !isImageCheckbox) { return; } if (nameInput) nameInput.value =; if (urlInput) urlInput.value = service.url; if (useFaviconInput) useFaviconInput.checked = service.useFavicon; if (autoLoadInput) autoLoadInput.checked = service.autoLoad; if (customCssInput) customCssInput.value = service.customCSS; if (customUserAgentInput) customUserAgentInput.value = service.customUserAgent; isImageCheckbox.checked = service.isImage; if (service.isImage) { if (iconUrlField) iconUrlField.value = service.icon; } else { if (builtInIconSearchField) builtInIconSearchField.value = service.icon; updateIconSearchResults(); let labels = iconSelect?.querySelectorAll('label'); if (labels) { const icon = Array.from(labels).find(i => i.dataset.icon === service.icon); if (icon) { selectIcon(icon); } } } } function save() { let form = document.querySelector('form'); if (!form) return; const formData = new FormData(form); = formData.get('name'); if (typeof service.partition !== 'string' || service.partition.length === 0) { service.partition = /g, '-'); service.partition = service.partition.replace(/[^a-zA-Z-_]/g, ''); } service.url = formData.get('url'); service.isImage = formData.get('isImage') === 'on'; service.icon = formData.get('icon'); service.useFavicon = formData.get('useFavicon') === 'on'; service.autoLoad = formData.get('autoLoad') === 'on'; service.customCSS = formData.get('customCSS'); let customUserAgent = (formData.get('customUserAgent')).trim(); service.customUserAgent = customUserAgent.length === 0 ? null : customUserAgent; if (!isValid()) { return; } ipcRenderer.send('saveService', serviceId, service); remote.getCurrentWindow().close(); }; function isValid() { if (typeof !== 'string' || === 0) { console.log('Invalid name'); return false; } if (typeof service.partition !== 'string' || service.partition.length === 0) { console.log('Invalid partition'); return false; } if (typeof service.url !== 'string' || service.url.length === 0) { console.log('Invalid url'); return false; } if (!(service.useFavicon || typeof service.icon === 'string' && service.icon.length > 0)) { console.log('Invalid icon'); return false; } return true; }