
364 lines
14 KiB

import "./register_svelte/register_svelte.js";
import clearModule from "clear-module";
import config from "config";
import crypto from "crypto";
import {promises as fs} from 'fs';
import path from "path";
import requireFromString from "require-from-string";
import {compile, preprocess} from "svelte/compiler";
import {sveltePreprocess} from "svelte-preprocess/dist/autoProcess.js";
import {publicUrl, routes} from "../common/Routing.js";
import {logger} from "../Logger.js";
import FileCache from "../utils/FileCache.js";
import ViewEngine from "./ViewEngine.js";
const BACKEND_CODE_PREFIX = '$locals.';
const COMPILED_SVELTE_EXTENSION = '.precompiled';
export default class SvelteViewEngine extends ViewEngine {
public static getPreCompileSeparator(canonicalViewName: string): string {
return '\n---' +
.digest('base64') +
private readonly fileCache: FileCache = new FileCache();
private readonly dependencyCache: Record<string, Set<string>> = {};
private readonly preprocessingCache: Record<string, PreprocessingCacheEntry> = {};
private readonly cssCache: Record<string, string[] | undefined> = {};
public constructor(
targetDir: string,
...additionalViewPaths: string[]
) {
super(targetDir, 'views', 'svelte', true, ...additionalViewPaths);
public async onFileChange(file: string): Promise<void> {
delete this.preprocessingCache[this.toCanonicalName(file)];
await super.onFileChange(file);
public async onFileRemove(file: string): Promise<void> {
const canonicalName = this.toCanonicalName(file);
delete this.preprocessingCache[canonicalName];
delete this.dependencyCache[canonicalName];
Object.values(this.dependencyCache).forEach(set => set.delete(canonicalName));
await super.onFileRemove(file);
public async render(
file: string,
locals: Record<string, unknown>,
): Promise<string> {
const canonicalViewName = this.toCanonicalName(file);
// View
const actualFile = path.join(this.targetDir, canonicalViewName + COMPILED_SVELTE_EXTENSION);
const view = await this.fileCache.get(actualFile, !config.get<boolean>('view.cache'));
// Root template
const templateFile = await this.resolveFileFromCanonicalNameOrFail('templates/svelte_template.html');
const rawOutput = await this.fileCache.get(templateFile, !config.get<boolean>('view.cache'));
// Pre-compiled parts
const [
] = view.split(SvelteViewEngine.getPreCompileSeparator(canonicalViewName));
const localMap: Record<string, unknown> = this.compileBackendCalls(backendCalls.split('\n'), locals, false);
const actualLocals = JSON.stringify(localMap, (key, value) => {
if (key.startsWith('_')) return undefined;
return typeof value === 'function' ?
value.toString() :
// Replaces
const replaceMap: Record<string, string> = {
canonicalViewName: canonicalViewName,
locals: actualLocals,
head: head,
html: html,
css: css,
routes: JSON.stringify(routes),
publicUrl: publicUrl,
return rawOutput.replace(
new RegExp(Object.keys(replaceMap).map(str => `%${str}%`).join('|'), 'g'),
(substring) => replaceMap[substring.slice(1, substring.length - 1)],
public async preCompile(canonicalName: string, alsoCompileDependents: boolean): Promise<void> {
const targetFile = path.join(this.targetDir, canonicalName);
logger.info(canonicalName + ' > ', 'Pre-compiling', canonicalName, '->', targetFile);
const {backendCalls} = await this.preprocess(canonicalName);
// Server Side Render (initial HTML and CSS, no-js)
const ssr = await this.compileSsr(canonicalName);
const separator = SvelteViewEngine.getPreCompileSeparator(canonicalName);
const finalCode = [
[...new Set<string>(backendCalls).values()].join('\n'),
const swafViewFile = path.join(this.targetDir, canonicalName + COMPILED_SVELTE_EXTENSION);
await fs.mkdir(path.dirname(swafViewFile), {recursive: true});
await fs.writeFile(swafViewFile, finalCode);
if (alsoCompileDependents && Object.keys(this.dependencyCache).indexOf(canonicalName) >= 0) {
logger.info(canonicalName + ' > ', 'Compiling dependents...');
for (const dependent of [...this.dependencyCache[canonicalName]]) {
await this.preCompile(dependent, true);
private resolveDependencies(source: string, canonicalViewName: string): string[] {
const dependencies: string[] = [];
for (const match of source.matchAll(/import .+ from ['"](.+?\.svelte)['"];/gm)) {
dependencies.push(path.join(path.dirname(canonicalViewName), match[1]));
// Clear existing links from cache
for (const dependency of Object.keys(this.dependencyCache)) {
// Add new links to cache
for (const dependency of dependencies) {
if (Object.keys(this.dependencyCache).indexOf(dependency) < 0) {
this.dependencyCache[dependency] = new Set<string>();
return dependencies;
private async preprocess(canonicalName: string): Promise<PreprocessingCacheEntry> {
// Cache
if (Object.keys(this.preprocessingCache).indexOf(canonicalName) >= 0) {
return this.preprocessingCache[canonicalName];
const file = await this.resolveFileFromCanonicalNameOrFail(canonicalName);
logger.info(canonicalName + ' > ', `Preprocessing ${file}`);
// mkdir output file dir
const outputFile = path.join(this.targetDir, canonicalName);
await fs.mkdir(path.dirname(outputFile), {recursive: true});
// Read source file if code was not already provided
const code = await this.fileCache.get(file, !config.get<boolean>('view.cache'));
// Replace backend calls
const replacedBackendCalls = await this.replaceBackendCalls(canonicalName, code);
// Preprocess svelte
logger.info(canonicalName + ' > ', 'Svelte preprocessing');
const preprocessed = await preprocess(
typescript: {
tsconfigFile: 'src/assets/views/tsconfig.json',
filename: outputFile,
// Write to output file
await fs.writeFile(outputFile, preprocessed.code);
// Preprocess dependencies
const backendCalls: string[] = replacedBackendCalls.backendCalls;
for (const dependency of this.resolveDependencies(code, canonicalName)) {
backendCalls.push(...(await this.preprocess(dependency)).backendCalls);
return this.preprocessingCache[canonicalName] = {
backendCalls: backendCalls,
code: preprocessed.code,
private async replaceBackendCalls(canonicalName: string, code: string): Promise<PreprocessingCacheEntry> {
logger.info(canonicalName + ' > ', 'Replacing backend calls');
// Skip replace if there is no swaf export
if (!code.match(/import[ \n]+{[ \n]*locals[ \n]*}[ \n]+from[ \n]+["'](\.\.\/)+ts\/stores(\.js)?["']/)) {
return {
backendCalls: [],
code: code,
let output = code;
const backendCalls = new Set<string>();
let index = 0;
while ((index = output.indexOf(BACKEND_CODE_PREFIX, index + 1)) >= 0) {
// Escaping
if (index > 0 && output[index - 1] === '\\') {
const isEscapingEscaped: boolean = index > 1 && output[index - 2] === '\\';
output = output.substring(0, index - 1 - (isEscapingEscaped ? 1 : 0)) +
output.substring(index, output.length);
const startIndex = index + BACKEND_CODE_PREFIX.length;
let endIndex = startIndex;
let struct = 0;
while (endIndex < output.length) {
if (['(', '[', '{'].indexOf(output[endIndex]) >= 0) struct++;
if ([')', ']', '}'].indexOf(output[endIndex]) >= 0) {
if (struct <= 0) {
if (struct === 0) endIndex++;
if ([' ', '\n', '<', '.', '\'', '"', '?', ','].indexOf(output[endIndex]) >= 0 && struct === 0) break;
let backendCall = output.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
if (backendCall.match(/([^()]+)\((.*?)\)/)) {
backendCall = backendCall.replace(/([^()]+)\((.*?)\)/, "'$1', `[$2]`");
} else {
backendCall = backendCall.replace(/([^()]+)(\(\))?/, "'$1'");
output = output.substring(0, index) +
'$locals(' + backendCall.split(BACKEND_CODE_PREFIX).join(BACKEND_CODE_PREFIX_TEMPORARY_HOLDER) + ')' +
output.substring(endIndex, output.length);
return {
backendCalls: [...backendCalls],
code: output,
private async compileSsr(canonicalName: string): Promise<{
head: string,
css: string,
html: string,
}> {
const targetFile = path.join(this.targetDir, canonicalName);
const {backendCalls, code} = await this.preprocess(canonicalName);
// Get dependencies css
const dependenciesCss: string[] = [];
for (const dependency of this.resolveDependencies(code, canonicalName)) {
if (this.cssCache[dependency] === undefined) {
await this.compileSsr(dependency);
const css = this.cssCache[dependency];
if (css === undefined) {
logger.error(typeof this.cssCache[dependency], !!this.cssCache[dependency]);
throw new Error(`Compiling ssr of ${dependency} didn't cache its css.`);
logger.info(canonicalName + ' > ', 'Compiling svelte ssr', targetFile);
// Svelte compile
const svelteSsr = compile(code, {
dev: config.get<boolean>('view.dev'),
generate: 'ssr',
format: 'cjs',
cssOutputFilename: targetFile + '.css',
// Load locals into locals store
const localsModulePath = path.resolve(this.targetDir, "../ts/stores.js");
const localsModule = await import(localsModulePath);
const locals = this.getGlobals().get();
const localMap = this.compileBackendCalls(backendCalls, locals, true);
localsModule.locals.set((key: string, args: string) => {
return localMap[args ?
`'${key}', \`${args}\``
: `'${key}'`];
// Load module and render
const moduleId = path.resolve(targetFile);
const {
} = requireFromString(svelteSsr.js.code, moduleId).default.render();
const cssFragments = css.code === '' ?
dependenciesCss :
[...dependenciesCss, css.code];
this.cssCache[canonicalName] = cssFragments;
return {
css: [...new Set(cssFragments)].join(''),
private compileBackendCalls(
backendCalls: string[],
locals: Record<string, unknown>,
isPreRender: boolean,
): Record<string, unknown> {
locals = {...locals, isPreRender};
const localMap: Record<string, unknown> = {};
backendCalls.forEach(code => {
const key = code.substring(1, code.indexOf(',') >= 0 ? code.indexOf(',') - 1 : code.length - 1);
if (code.indexOf('`[') >= 0) {
const args = code.substring(code.indexOf('`[') + 2, code.length - 2)
.split(/, *?/)
.map(arg => {
if (arg.startsWith("'")) return '"' + arg.substring(1, arg.length - 1) + '"';
return arg;
.filter(arg => arg.length > 0)
.map(arg => {
return Function(`"use strict";const $locals = arguments[0];return (${arg});`)(locals);
}); // Uses named parameter locals
const f = locals[key];
if (typeof f !== 'function') throw new Error(key + ' is not a function.');
localMap[`'${key}', \`[${code.substring(code.indexOf('`[') + 2, code.length - 2)}]\``] = f.call(locals, ...args);
} else {
localMap[`'${key}'`] = locals[key];
return localMap;
type PreprocessingCacheEntry = {
backendCalls: string[],
code: string,