Alice Gaudon
Reorganize views into new "assets" folder structure
Turn locals into a store so locals don't have to be passed through files that don't need them
Some fixes to previous commit (esm) 82ab0b963c
Remove afs in favor of fs.promises (renamed afs.exists to Utils.doesFileExist
Rename Utils.readdirRecursively to Utils.listFilesRecursively
17 lines
704 B
17 lines
704 B
<section class="panel">
<h2><i data-feather="key"></i> Change name</h2>
{% if can_change_name %}
<form action="{{ route('change-name') }}" method="POST">
{{ macros.field(_locals, 'text', 'name', null, 'New name', null, 'required') }}
{{ macros.field(_locals, 'checkbox', 'terms', null, 'I understand that I can only change my name once every ' + name_change_wait_period, '', 'required') }}
<button type="submit"><i data-feather="save"></i> Confirm</button>
{{ macros.csrf(getCsrfToken) }}
{% else %}
{{ macros.message('info', 'You can change your name in ' + can_change_name_in) }}
{% endif %}