{ asset_cache: false, gitlab_webhook_token: 'default', app: { listen_addr: '', port: 4899, public_url: "http://localhost:4899", public_websocket_url: "ws://localhost:4899", name: 'Example App', contact_email: 'contact@example.net', display_email_warning: true, }, auth: { // Registered accounts need to be approved by an administrator approval_mode: false, // 30 days name_change_wait_period: 2592000000, }, log: { level: "DEBUG", verbose: true, db_level: "ERROR", }, magic_link: { validity_period: 20, }, mail: { host: "", port: "1025", secure: false, username: "", password: "", allow_invalid_tls: true, from: 'contact@example.net', from_name: 'Example App', }, mysql: { connectionLimit: 10, host: "localhost", user: "root", password: "", database: "swaf", create_database_automatically: false, }, redis: { host: "", port: 6379, prefix: 'swaf', }, session: { secret: 'default', cookie: { secure: false, // 1 year maxAge: 31557600000, }, }, view: { cache: false, dev: true, }, }