{% extends 'mails/base_layout.mjml.njk' %} {% block body %} {% if type == 'register' %} Register an account on {{ app.name }} {% else %} Log in to {{ app.name }} {% endif %} {% if type == 'register' %} Someone has requested an account registration for {{ mail_to }}. If it was not you, please ignore this message. {% else %} Someone is attempting to log in to your account {{ mail_to }}. {% endif %} {% if type == 'register' %} Finalize my account registration {% else %} If it is not you, DO NOT CLICK ON THIS BUTTON. {% endif %} {% if type == 'login' %} IP: {{ ip }} Location: {{ geo }} Authorize log in {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block text %} {% if type == 'register' %} Hi! Someone requested an account registration for {{ mail_to }}. If it was not you, please ignore this message. To finalize your account registration, please follow this link: {{ link|safe }} {% else %} Hi! Someone is attempting to log in to your account {{ mail_to }}. If it is not you, DO NOT FOLLOW THIS LINK. IP: {{ ip }} Location: {{ geo }} To authorize this log in, please follow this link: {{ link|safe }} {% endif %} {% endblock %}