{% extends 'layouts/base.njk' %} {% import 'macros.njk' as macros %} {% set title = 'Account' %} {% set decription = 'Manage your account settings and data.' %} {% block body %}

Personal information

{% if display_email_warning and emails | length <= 0 %} {{ macros.message('warning', 'To avoid losing access to your account, please add an email address.') }} {% endif %} {% for field in user.getPersonalInfoFields() %}

{{ field.name }}: {{ field.value }}

{% endfor %}

Contact email: {{ main_email.email }} More...

{% if has_password %}Change{% else %}Set{% endif %} password

{% if has_password %} {{ macros.field(_locals, 'password', 'current_password', null, 'Current password') }} {% endif %} {{ macros.field(_locals, 'password', 'new_password', null, 'New password') }} {{ macros.field(_locals, 'password', 'new_password_confirmation', null, 'New password confirmation') }} {{ macros.csrf(getCsrfToken) }}

Email addresses

{% for email in emails %} {% if email.id == user.main_email_id %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% for email in emails %} {% if email.id != user.main_email_id %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
Type Address Actions
Main {{ email.email }}
Secondary {{ email.email }}
{{ macros.csrf(getCsrfToken) }}
{{ macros.csrf(getCsrfToken) }}

Add an email address:

{{ macros.field(_locals, 'email', 'email', null, 'Choose a safe email address', 'An email address we can use to identify you in case you lose access to your account', 'required') }} {{ macros.csrf(getCsrfToken) }}
{% endblock %}