{% extends 'layouts/base.njk' %} {% import 'macros.njk' as macros %} {% set title = 'Authentication / Registration' %} {% set decription = 'Join ' + app.name + ' and share your files!' %} {% set h1 = 'Authentication and registration' %} {% block body %}
{% set queryStr = '' %} {% if query.redirect_uri | length %} {% set queryStr = '?' + querystring.stringify({redirect_uri: query.redirect_uri}) %} {% endif %} {% set action = route('auth') + queryStr %} {% if register_confirm_email %}


{{ macros.message('question', 'Do you wish to create a new account with ' + register_confirm_email + '?', false, false) }} {{ macros.message('warning', 'If you already have an account, please log in with your existing email first and then add your new email in the Account page.', false, true) }}
Email: {{ register_confirm_email }}
Go back {{ macros.csrf(getCsrfToken) }}
{% else %}

Log in or register

{# {{ macros.message('info', 'If we don\'t find your email address in our database, you will be able to register.', false, true) }} #}
{{ macros.field(_locals, 'email', 'email', query.email or '', 'Your email address', "If we don't find your email address in our database, you will be able to register.", 'required') }}
{{ macros.csrf(getCsrfToken) }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}