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2020-05-09 23:19:47 +02:00
import Controller from "../../Controller";
import {Request, Response} from "express";
import MagicLinkWebSocketListener from "./MagicLinkWebSocketListener";
import {BadRequestError, NotFoundHttpError} from "../../HttpError";
import Throttler from "../../Throttler";
import Mail, {MailTemplate} from "../../Mail";
import MagicLink from "../models/MagicLink";
import config from "config";
import Application from "../../Application";
import {ParsedUrlQueryInput} from "querystring";
import NunjucksComponent from "../../components/NunjucksComponent";
import User from "../models/User";
import AuthComponent, {AuthMiddleware} from "../AuthComponent";
import {AuthError, PendingApprovalAuthError, RegisterCallback} from "../AuthGuard";
import UserEmail from "../models/UserEmail";
import AuthMagicLinkActionType from "./AuthMagicLinkActionType";
export default class MagicLinkController<A extends Application> extends Controller {
public static async sendMagicLink(
app: Application,
sessionId: string,
actionType: string,
original_url: string,
email: string,
mailTemplate: MailTemplate,
data: ParsedUrlQueryInput,
): Promise<void> {
Throttler.throttle('magic_link', 2, MagicLink.validityPeriod(), sessionId, 0, 0);
2020-05-09 23:19:47 +02:00
Throttler.throttle('magic_link', 1, MagicLink.validityPeriod(), email, 0, 0);
const link = MagicLink.create({
session_id: sessionId,
action_type: actionType,
original_url: original_url,
2020-05-09 23:19:47 +02:00
const token = await link.generateToken(email);
await link.save();
// Send email
await new Mail(app.as(NunjucksComponent).getEnvironment(), mailTemplate, Object.assign(data, {
2020-07-15 11:42:49 +02:00
link: `${config.get<string>('base_url')}${Controller.route('magic_link', undefined, {
2020-05-09 23:19:47 +02:00
id: link.id,
token: token,
public static async checkAndAuth(req: Request, res: Response, magicLink: MagicLink): Promise<User | null> {
const session = req.getSession();
if (magicLink.getOrFail('session_id') !== session.id) throw new BadOwnerMagicLink();
if (!await magicLink.isAuthorized()) throw new UnauthorizedMagicLink();
if (!await magicLink.isValid()) throw new InvalidMagicLink();
// Auth
try {
return await req.as(AuthMiddleware).getAuthGuard().authenticateOrRegister(
session, magicLink, undefined, undefined, async (connection, user) => {
const callbacks: RegisterCallback[] = [];
const userEmail = UserEmail.create({
user_id: user.id,
email: magicLink.getOrFail('email'),
await userEmail.save(connection, c => callbacks.push(c));
user.main_email_id = userEmail.id;
await user.save(connection, c => callbacks.push(c));
return callbacks;
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof PendingApprovalAuthError) {
json: () => {
'status': 'warning',
'message': `Your account is pending review. You'll receive an email once you're approved.`,
html: () => {
req.flash('warning', `Your account is pending review. You'll receive an email once you're approved.`);
return null;
} else {
throw e;
2020-05-09 23:19:47 +02:00
protected readonly magicLinkWebsocketPath: string;
public constructor(magicLinkWebsocketListener: MagicLinkWebSocketListener<A>) {
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this.magicLinkWebsocketPath = magicLinkWebsocketListener.path();
2020-07-25 10:28:50 +02:00
public getRoutesPrefix(): string {
2020-05-09 23:19:47 +02:00
return '/magic';
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public routes(): void {
2020-05-09 23:19:47 +02:00
this.get('/lobby', this.getLobby, 'magic_link_lobby');
this.get('/link', this.getMagicLink, 'magic_link');
2020-07-25 10:28:50 +02:00
protected async getLobby(req: Request, res: Response): Promise<void> {
const link = await MagicLink.select()
.where('session_id', req.getSession().id)
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if (!link) {
throw new NotFoundHttpError('magic link', req.url);
if (!await link.isValid()) {
req.flash('error', 'This magic link has expired. Please try again.');
2020-05-09 23:19:47 +02:00
if (await link.isAuthorized()) {
await this.performAction(link, req, res);
res.render('magic_link_lobby', {
email: link.getOrFail('email'),
type: link.getOrFail('action_type'),
2020-05-09 23:19:47 +02:00
validUntil: link.getExpirationDate().getTime(),
websocketUrl: config.get<string>('public_websocket_url') + this.magicLinkWebsocketPath,
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protected async getMagicLink(req: Request, res: Response): Promise<void> {
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const id = parseInt(<string>req.query.id);
const token = <string>req.query.token;
if (!id || !token)
throw new BadRequestError('Need parameters id, token.', 'Please try again.', req.originalUrl);
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let success = true;
let err;
const magicLink = await MagicLink.getById<MagicLink>(id);
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if (!magicLink) {
err = `Couldn't find this magic link. Perhaps it has already expired.`;
success = false;
} else if (!await magicLink.isAuthorized()) {
err = await magicLink.verifyToken(token);
if (err === null) {
// Validation success, authenticate the user
await magicLink.save();
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res.render('magic_link', {
2020-05-10 00:26:15 +02:00
magicLink: magicLink,
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err: err,
success: success && err === null,
protected async performAction(magicLink: MagicLink, req: Request, res: Response): Promise<void> {
switch (magicLink.getOrFail('action_type')) {
case AuthMagicLinkActionType.LOGIN:
case AuthMagicLinkActionType.REGISTER: {
await MagicLinkController.checkAndAuth(req, res, magicLink);
const authGuard = this.getApp().as(AuthComponent).getAuthGuard();
const proofs = await authGuard.getProofsForSession(req.getSession());
const user = await proofs[0]?.getResource();
if (!res.headersSent && user) {
// Auth success
req.flash('success', `Authentication success. Welcome, ${user.name}!`);
res.redirect(req.query.redirect_uri?.toString() || Controller.route('home'));
export class BadOwnerMagicLink extends AuthError {
public constructor() {
super(`This magic link doesn't belong to this session.`);
export class UnauthorizedMagicLink extends AuthError {
public constructor() {
super(`This magic link is unauthorized.`);
export class InvalidMagicLink extends AuthError {
public constructor() {
super(`This magic link is invalid.`);