#!/usr/bin/env bash dir=$(dirname "$0") ### Time and date ### echo -e "$(date)" echo -e ### Hostname ### seed=$(echo $((0x$(hostname | md5sum | cut -c 1-10))) | cut -c 2-5) echo -e "$(/usr/bin/env figlet -w $(tput cols) "$(hostname)" | /usr/bin/env lolcat -f -F 0.05 -S $seed)" echo -e ### System info ### echo -e "$(cat /etc/*release | grep PRETTY_NAME | cut -d = -f 2- | sed 's/\"//g') | Kernel: $(uname -r)" uptime=$(uptime | awk -F'( |,|:)+' '{d=h=m=0; if ($7=="min") m=$6; else {if ($7~/^day/) {d=$6;h=$8;m=$9} else {h=$6;m=$7}}} {print d+0,"days,",h+0,"hours,",m+0,"minutes."}') echo -e "Uptime: ${uptime}" echo -e ### Colors ### white="\e[39m" green="\e[1;32m" red="\e[1;31m" magenta="\e[1;35m" lightgreen="\e[1;92m" lightred="\e[1;91m" yellow="\e[1;33m" lightyellow="\e[1;93m" dim="\e[2m" bold="\e[1m" undim="\e[0m" graybg="\e[40m" redbg="\e[41m" greenbg="\e[42m" ### Services ### services=($(cat "$dir/.motd.services")) # sort services #IFS=$'\n' services=($(sort <<<"${services[*]}")) #unset IFS service_status=() # get status of all services for service in "${services[@]}"; do service_status+=($(systemctl is-active "$service")) done out=" SERVICE,STATUS\n" out+="${bold}[SYSTEMD]${undim}\n" for i in "${!services[@]}"; do # color green if service is active, else red if [[ "${service_status[$i]}" == "active" ]]; then out+=" - ${services[$i]},${green}${service_status[$i]}${undim}\n" elif [[ "${service_status[$i]}" != "inactive" ]] || [[ "$(systemctl is-enabled ${services[$i]})" == "enabled" ]]; then out+=" ${redbg}/!\\\\${undim} - ${services[$i]},${red}${service_status[$i]}${undim}\n" else out+=" - ${services[$i]},${dim}${service_status[$i]} (disabled)${undim}\n" fi done ### Docker ### if command -v docker &> /dev/null; then out+="${bold}[DOCKER]${undim}\n" containers=($(docker ps --format "{{.Image}}/{{.Names}}")) container_statuses=($(docker ps --format "{{.State}}")) docker_out=" [root]\n" for i in ${!containers[@]}; do if [[ "${container_statuses[$i]}" == "running" ]]; then docker_out+=" - ${containers[$i]},${green}${container_statuses[$i]}${undim}\n" else docker_out+=" ${redbg}/!\\\\${undim} - ${containers[$i]},${red}${container_statuses[$i]}${undim}\n" fi done docker_out+=" [rootless]\n" rootless_users=($(cat "$dir/.motd.users")) for user in ${rootless_users[@]}; do if sudo test ! -e /run/user/$(id -u $user)/docker.sock; then docker_out+=" ${redbg}/!\\\\${undim} - $user,${red}! Docker not running !${undim}\n" continue fi containers=($(sudo -n DOCKER_HOST=unix:///run/user/$(id -u $user)/docker.sock docker ps --format "{{.Image}}/{{.Names}}")) container_statuses=($(sudo -n DOCKER_HOST=unix:///run/user/$(id -u $user)/docker.sock docker ps --format "{{.State}}")) if [ ${#containers[@]} -eq 0 ]; then docker_out+=" ${redbg}/!\\\\${undim} - $user,${red}! No container !${undim}\n" continue fi docker_out+=" - $user\n" for i in ${!containers[@]}; do if [[ "${container_statuses[$i]}" == "running" ]]; then docker_out+=" - ${containers[$i]},${green}${container_statuses[$i]}${undim}\n" else docker_out+=" ${redbg}/!\\\\${undim} - ${containers[$i]},${red}${container_statuses[$i]}${undim}\n" fi done done out+=$docker_out fi printf "$out" | column -ts $',' -o " " echo -e ### Disk space ### # config max_usage=80 bar_width=50 # disk usage: ignore zfs, squashfs & tmpfs DISKS=$(df -H -x squashfs -x tmpfs -x devtmpfs -x zfs --output=target,pcent,size,used | tail -n+2)" 0 0 0 -" if test $(command -v zfs); then DISKS+="\n" #DISKS+=$(zpool list -o name,capacity,size | tail -n+2) while read name available used usedsnap usedds usedchild compressratio; do ttlsize=$((($available+$used))) pcent=$(echo "($used/$ttlsize)*100" | bc -l | numfmt --format="%3.0f") gfxsize=$(numfmt --to=iec --format="%9f" $ttlsize) gfxused=$(numfmt --to=iec --format="%9f" $used) usedsnaprecursive=$(zfs get usedbysnapshots -r "$name" -H -p -t filesystem -o value | tail -n+2 | awk '{s+=$1} END {printf "%.0f", s}') usedsnappercent=$(echo "(($usedsnap + $usedsnaprecursive)/$ttlsize)*100" | bc -l | numfmt --format="%3.0f") useddspercent=$(echo "($usedds/$ttlsize)*100" | bc -l | numfmt --format="%3.0f") usedchildpercent=$(echo "(($usedchild - $usedsnaprecursive)/$ttlsize)*100" | bc -l | numfmt --format="%3.0f") DISKS+="$name $pcent% $gfxsize $gfxused $usedsnappercent $useddspercent $usedchildpercent x$compressratio\n" done <<< $(zfs list -H -p -d 0 -o name,available,used,usedsnap,usedds,usedchild,compressratio) fi printf "${bold}[DISK USAGE]${undim}\n" while read line; do if [ -z "$line" ]; then continue fi # get disk usage dds=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $6}' | sed 's/%//') dds_width=$((($dds*$bar_width)/100)) child=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $7}' | sed 's/%//') child_width=$((($child*$bar_width)/100)) snap=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/%//') snap_width=$((($snap*$bar_width)/100)) usage=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/%//') used_width=$((($usage*$bar_width)/100)) #echo "$line" #echo "$dds,$dds_width|$child,$child_width|$snap,$snap_width|$usage,$used_width" i=0 # [ bar="[" # DDS if [ "${usage}" -ge "${max_usage}" ]; then bar+=$red else bar+=$green fi for ((; i<$dds_width; i++)); do bar+="=" done # CHILDREN if [ "${usage}" -ge "${max_usage}" ]; then bar+=$lightred else bar+=$lightgreen fi for ((; i<(($dds_width + $child_width)); i++)); do bar+="=" done # SNAP bar+=$lightyellow for ((; i<(($dds_width + $child_width + $snap_width)); i++)); do bar+="=" done # TOTAL USAGE if [ "${usage}" -ge "${max_usage}" ]; then bar+=$red else bar+=$green fi for ((; i<$used_width; i++)); do bar+="=" done # FREE SPACE bar+="${white}${dim}" for ((; i<$bar_width; i++)); do bar+="=" done # ] bar+="${undim}]" # print usage line & bar echo -e "${line}" | awk '{ printf(" %-19scompratio %+5s %+4s/%+4s [%+3s]\n", $1, $8, $4, $3, $2); }' if [ "${usage}" -ge "${max_usage}" ]; then echo -en " ${redbg}/!\\\\${undim} " else echo -en " " fi echo -e "${bar}" done <<< $(echo -e "$DISKS") echo -e ### ZFS available space warning ### if test $(command -v zfs); then POOLS=$(zfs list -o name,used,available -p | tail -n+2) while read line; do name=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $1}') used=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $2}') avail=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $3}') percentage=$(echo "scale=2;$avail/($used+$avail)*100" | bc) if (( $(echo "$percentage < 20" | bc -l) )); then echo -e " ${redbg}/!\\\\${undim} ${bold}$name ${undim}only has ${percentage}% capacity left" fi done <<< $(echo -e "$POOLS") fi echo -e ### Welcome message ### LAST_LOGIN=$(last -w --time-format full | grep $(whoami) | head -2 | tail -1) echo -e " Welcome to $(hostname | /usr/bin/env lolcat -f -F 0.05 -S $seed), ${green}$(whoami)${undim}!" echo -e " Last login: ${bold}$(echo "$LAST_LOGIN" | awk '{print $3}')${undim} | [$(echo "$LAST_LOGIN" | awk '{for(i=4;i<=NF;i++) print $i}' | paste -sd ' ')]"