{% extends 'layouts/base.njk' %} {% set title = app.name + ' - Shrink URL' %} {% block scripts %} {% endblock %} {% block body %}

Shrink URLs

For security reasons, shrinked URLs cannot be deleted.

Shrink a URL

{{ macros.field(_locals, 'text', 'target_url', '', 'Target URL', 'Only valid URLs starting with http:// or https://', validation_attributes='required') }} {{ macros.field(_locals, 'text', 'slug', '', 'Custom url slug', 'Example: bear sets url to https://'+default_domain+'/bear', validation_attributes='disabled') }} {{ macros.field(_locals, 'checkbox', 'autogen_url', '', 'Generate url automatically', null, validation_attributes='checked') }} {{ macros.csrf(getCsrfToken) }}
{% set url = flash('url') %} {% if url | length %}
{{ url }}
{% endif %}

URL list

{% for url in urls %} {% endfor %}
# URL Target
{{ url.id }}
{{ url.target_url }}
{% endblock %}