{% extends 'layouts/base.njk' %} {% set title = 'ily.li - File manager' %} {% block scripts %} {% endblock %} {% block body %}

File manager

You're their manager, please be nice with them.

Upload a file

{{ macros.field(_locals, 'file', 'upload', '', 'Choose wisely', 'The maximum upload size is ' + max_upload_size + 'MiB', validation_attributes='required') }} {{ macros.field(_locals, 'number', 'expire_after_days', '30', 'How many days to delete this file after', null, validation_attributes='max="1825"') }} {{ macros.field(_locals, 'checkbox', 'never_expire', '', 'Never delete this file') }} {{ macros.csrf(getCSRFToken) }}

File list

{% for file in files %} {% set expires_at = file.getExpirationDate() %} {% endfor %}
# URL Name Size Expires at Actions
{{ file.id }} {{ file.real_name }} {{ (file.size / (1024 * 1024)).toFixed(2) }}MB{% if expires_at %}{{ expires_at.toISOString() }}{% else %}Never{% endif %} Delete
{% endblock %}