250 lines
8.4 KiB
Raw Normal View History

<script lang="ts">
import {locals} from "../ts/stores.js";
import {route} from "../../common/Routing";
import BaseTemplate from "./templates/BaseTemplate.svelte";
import Form from "./utils/Form.svelte";
import Field from "./utils/Field.svelte";
import CopyableText from "./components/CopyableText.svelte";
import Pagination from "./components/Pagination.svelte";
import Message from "./components/Message.svelte";
import Icon from "./utils/Icon.svelte"
import FileUpload from "./components/FileUpload.svelte";
import {Time} from "../../common/Time.js";
let neverExpire: string;
let autogenUrl: string;
let uploadForm: HTMLFormElement;
let selectedFiles: FileList | undefined;
let nextFileIndex = 0;
let uploading: boolean = false;
let currentFile: File | undefined;
let finishedFileUploads: { name: string, finalUrl: string }[] = [];
function uploadFiles(e) {
uploadForm = this;
if (selectedFiles && !uploading) {
async function processNextUpload() {
if (nextFileIndex > selectedFiles.length - 1) {
nextFileIndex = 0;
selectedFiles = undefined;
uploading = false;
uploading = true;
currentFile = selectedFiles[nextFileIndex++];
function onUploadEnd(fileName, finalUrl) {
if (finalUrl) {
finishedFileUploads = [...finishedFileUploads, {name: fileName, finalUrl: finalUrl}];
<style lang="scss">
.file-upload-table {
@media (max-width: 550px) {
> thead > tr > th:nth-child(3),
> tbody > tr > td:nth-child(3) {
display: none;
@media (max-width: 785px) {
> thead > tr > th:nth-child(4),
> tbody > tr > td:nth-child(4) {
display: none;
td, th {
padding: 4px;
.actions {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
:global(button) {
padding: 8px;
:global(button .icon) {
margin: 0 !important;
:global(button .tip) {
display: none;
.new-files {
h3 {
text-align: center;
:global(.icon) {
color: var(--success);
hr {
margin: 24px;
border: 0;
border-top: 1px solid var(--on-subsurface);
opacity: 0.25;
.upload-form-container.disabled {
:global(button) {
cursor: not-allowed;
opacity: 0.1;
<BaseTemplate title="{$} - Upload file" description="File upload web interface." noH1>
<h1>Upload files</h1>
<div class="container">
<section class="panel">
<Icon name="upload"/>
Upload files
<p>You are responsible for the files that you upload.</p>
<div class="upload-form-container" class:disabled={uploading}>
<Form action={route('post-file-frontend')} withFiles
submitText="Upload" submitIcon="upload"
<Field type="file" name="upload" placeholder="Choose wisely" icon="file"
hint="The maximum upload size is {$locals.max_upload_size} MiB"
multiple required
<Field type="checkbox" name="never_expire" placeholder="Never delete this file"
{#if !neverExpire}
<Field type="number" name="expire_after_days" icon="clock"
placeholder="How many days to delete this file after"
initialValue={30} max="1825"/>
{#if !selectedFiles || selectedFiles.length <= 1}
<Field type="checkbox" name="autogen_url" placeholder="Generate url automatically"
bind:value={autogenUrl} initialValue={true}/>
{#if !autogenUrl}
<Field type="text" name="slug" placeholder="Custom url slug" icon="link"
hint="Example: beautiful_image.jpg sets url to https://{$locals.default_domain}/beautiful_image.jpg"/>
<Message type="info" discreet sticky
content="When upload multiple files, URLs will be generated automatically."/>
{#if uploading}
<FileUpload file={currentFile} form={uploadForm} fileFieldName="upload"
onEnd={onUploadEnd} autostart/>
{#if finishedFileUploads.length > 0}
<section class="sub-panel new-files">
<Icon name="file-check"/>
Newly uploaded files
{#each finishedFileUploads as fileUpload}
<CopyableText title="{}" content="{fileUpload.finalUrl}"/>
{#if $locals.flash.url}
<CopyableText title="URL" content={$locals.flash.url}/>
<section class="panel">
<Icon name="folder"/>
File list
<Pagination pagination={$locals.pagination} routeName="file-uploader" contextSize={3}/>
<div class="data-table-container">
<table class="data-table file-upload-table">
<th class="table-col-grow">Name</th>
<th>Expires in</th>
{#each $locals.files as file}
<td class="table-col-grow-cell"><a href="{file.url}">
<td>{(file.size / (1024 * 1024)).toFixed(2)}MB</td>
{#if file.expires_at}
<time datetime="{file.expires_at}" title="{file.expires_at}">
{Time.humanizeTimeTo(new Date(file.expires_at))}
<td class="actions">
{#if file.shouldBeDeleted}
Pending deletion
<button class="copy-button" data-content="{file.url}">
<Icon name="copy"/>
<span class="tip">Copy URL</span></button><!-- todo -->
<Form action={route('delete-file-frontend', file.slug)} button
submitIcon="trash" submitText="delete" submitClass="danger"
confirm="Are you sure you want to delete file {file.real_name}?"/>
<td colspan="5" class="center">You haven't uploaded any file yet.</td>
<Pagination pagination={$locals.pagination} routeName="file-uploader" contextSize={3}/>