[ {"name": "Ely", "text": "So... Yeah... Here's the thing"}, {"name": "Ely", "text": "I am a part of a non-profit organisation"}, {"name": "Crab", "text": "A what ?"}, {"name": "Ely", "text": "A bunch of people doing things more or less selflessly"}, {"name": "Crab", "text": "Oh, that's nice !"}, {"name": "Ely", "text": "Yeah, and our goal is to scan ocean in search of potential garbage and wrecks left by other hu-... uh... other [wave amp=20 freq=2]hoomans[wave/]"}, {"name": "Crab", "text": "How neat !"}, {"name": "Ely", "text": "We're mostly pals enjoying scuba diving together and collecting small funds for bigger organisations"}, {"name": "Ely", "text": "And... you see, the oil tanker you found..."}, {"name": "Ely", "text": "We were supposed to go trough it and gather some pieces of information for later dismantelment"}, {"name": "Ely", "text": "But... as you can tell, it didn't go well."}, {"name": "Ely", "text": "The sea was thunderous, angry even..."}, {"name": "Ely", "text": "And we lost our ship. I don't even know were my friends are..."}, {"name": "Ely", "text": "..."}, {"name": "Crab", "text": "..."}, {"name": "Ely", "text": "Crap..."}, {"name": "Ely", "text": "... I don't know why I'm telling you all of that, it's not even really what happened..."}, {"name": "Ely", "text": "..."}, {"name": "Ely", "text": "I-I don't want to tell you the truth..."}, {"name": "Crab", "text": "..."}, {"name": "Crab", "text": "That was a beautiful tale."}, {"name": "Crab", "text": "In a sense, it brings me hope to know you're aware that oil tankers are bad."}, {"name": "Crab", "text": "Lie or not, yout story tells me somethings about hoomans and about you."}, {"name": "Crab", "text": "Something good..."}, {"name": "Crab", "text": "Thank you..."} ]