[ {"timer": 2, "auto": true}, {"name": "Ely", "text": "What a shame..."}, {"name": "Ely", "text": "I don't like being alone."}, {"name": "Ely", "text": "I just want to go home!"}, {"name": "Ely", "text": "Hopefully someone will come by and rescue me..."}, {"timer": 2, "auto": true}, {"name": "Crab", "expression": "eyes", "wait": true}, {"name": "Ely"}, {"name": "Crab", "expression": "first_step", "wait": true}, {"name": "Ely"}, {"name": "Crab", "expression": "second_step", "wait": true}, {"name": "Ely"}, {"name": "Crab", "expression": "third_step", "wait": true}, {"name": "Ely"}, {"name": "Crab", "text": "Hey you!"}, {"name": "Ely", "text": "... Huh?"}, {"name": "Crab", "text": "You ok buddy?"}, {"name": "Ely", "text": "I must be going crazy."}, {"name": "Crab", "text": "You don't look [i]that[/i] crazy to me."}, {"name": "Ely", "text": "You're a crab."}, {"name": "Crab", "text": "Yes."}, {"name": "Ely", "text": "You speak."}, {"name": "Crab", "text": "Of course I do you muffinhead."}, {"name": "Ely", "text": "Cuuuuute!", "expression": "blush"}, {"name": "Ely", "text": "..."}, {"name": "Ely", "text": "So you're a cute talking crab."}, {"name": "Crab", "text": "", "expression": "blush"}, {"name": "Ely", "text": "Do you have a name? [code](by any chance...)[/code]"}, {"name": "Crab", "text": "The name's Herbert."}, {"name": "Herbert", "text": "I am a [wave amp=20 freq=2]Pachygrapsus Marmoratus[/wave] as you [i]hoomans[/i] like to call us."}, {"name": "Ely", "text": "What brings you here Herbert?"}, {"name": "Ely", "text": "Also, what made you the first crab to talk to me [i]ever[/i]?"}, {"name": "Herbert", "text": "I'll tell you my tale, but then please tell me yours."}, {"name": "Ely", "text": "Sure!"}, {"name": "Crab", "text": "Everything was fine."}, {"name": "Crab", "text": "I was fine, my friends were fine..."}, {"name": "Crab", "text": "Even my brother Gary was starting to overcome his depression."}, {"name": "Crab", "text": "And then..."} ]