game1: fix out of bounds and z-level errors #3

AquarelleOuate merged 1 commits from levelz2 into master 2020-08-20 15:35:14 +02:00
5 changed files with 17 additions and 16 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 393b06a44a - Show all commits

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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ cell_size = Vector2( 16, 16 )
cell_quadrant_size = 8 cell_quadrant_size = 8
cell_custom_transform = Transform2D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) cell_custom_transform = Transform2D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
format = 1 format = 1
tile_data = PoolIntArray( -458755, 49, 10, -458754, 49, 65546, -524282, 49, 65547, -524281, 49, 2, -524280, 49, 65544, -524269, 49, 65536, -524266, 49, 65554, -393220, 49, 17, -393219, 49, 6, -458751, 49, 65543, -458747, 49, 0, -458746, 49, 11, -458738, 49, 65536, -458737, 49, 12, -458733, 49, 1, -458732, 49, 65536, -458730, 49, 13, -458729, 49, 65541, -327685, 49, 65547, -327682, 49, 6, -327681, 49, 65549, -393214, 49, 3, -393203, 49, 11, -393201, 49, 7, -393200, 49, 11, -393199, 49, 12, -393193, 49, 65537, -262149, 49, 19, -262146, 49, 7, -327678, 49, 16, -327673, 49, 65545, -327672, 49, 65555, -327668, 49, 65539, -327663, 49, 6, -327658, 49, 8, -327657, 49, 7, -196614, 49, 16, -196613, 49, 65545, -262136, 49, 6, -262132, 49, 65544, -262127, 49, 65553, -262126, 49, 13, -262122, 49, 65548, -131078, 49, 12, -196605, 49, 65554, -196601, 49, 65553, -196600, 49, 4, -196597, 49, 15, -196596, 49, 65554, -196593, 49, 11, -196592, 49, 65542, -196591, 49, 65545, -196590, 49, 4, -196587, 49, 15, -131068, 49, 65547, -131066, 49, 65550, -131056, 49, 65540, -131052, 49, 13, -131051, 49, 65549, -1, 49, 65551, -65531, 59, 0, -65524, 7, 0, -65516, 49, 17, 2, 49, 65537, 19, 49, 65538, 20, 49, 13, 23, 49, 65546, 65542, 49, 65542, 65543, 49, 5, 65551, 49, 65546, 65555, 49, 6, 65558, 49, 65551, 65559, 49, 17, 196605, 49, 65554, 196606, 49, 65537, 196607, 49, 12, 131073, 6, 0, 131075, 49, 65555, 131078, 49, 13, 131092, 49, 65542, 131093, 49, 65537, 131094, 49, 65545, 196610, 49, 65543, 196630, 49, 16, 262146, 49, 65549, 262148, 49, 16, 262156, 49, 10, 262157, 49, 4, 262161, 49, 2, 262165, 49, 10, 262166, 49, 14, 262167, 49, 14, 393210, 49, 65548, 393212, 49, 65544, 327691, 49, 65553, 327692, 49, 65549, 327695, 49, 65548, 327696, 49, 10, 327703, 49, 5, 458746, 49, 14, 458747, 49, 65544, 458749, 49, 65548, 393227, 49, 65539, 393231, 49, 9, 393237, 49, 65547, 393238, 49, 14, 524282, 49, 8, 524283, 49, 18, 524284, 49, 14, 524285, 49, 13, 524286, 49, 1, 458759, 49, 19, 458762, 49, 65538, 458763, 49, 17, 458770, 49, 7, 458773, 49, 65541, 458774, 49, 65546, 589819, 49, 65541, 589820, 49, 18, 524294, 49, 65553, 524295, 49, 65552, 524296, 49, 65550, 524297, 49, 7, 524298, 49, 11, 524299, 49, 65549, 524303, 49, 65541, 524304, 49, 9, 524305, 49, 65542, 524308, 49, 65552 ) tile_data = PoolIntArray( -458755, 49, 10, -458754, 49, 65546, -524282, 49, 65547, -524281, 49, 2, -524280, 49, 65544, -524269, 49, 65536, -524266, 49, 65554, -393220, 49, 17, -393219, 49, 6, -458751, 49, 65543, -458747, 49, 0, -458746, 49, 11, -458738, 49, 65536, -458737, 49, 12, -458733, 49, 1, -458732, 49, 65536, -458730, 49, 13, -458729, 49, 65541, -327685, 49, 65547, -327682, 49, 6, -327681, 49, 65549, -393214, 49, 3, -393203, 49, 11, -393201, 49, 7, -393200, 49, 11, -393199, 49, 12, -393193, 49, 65537, -262149, 49, 19, -262146, 49, 7, -327678, 49, 16, -327673, 49, 65545, -327672, 49, 65555, -327668, 49, 65539, -327663, 49, 6, -327658, 49, 8, -327657, 49, 7, -196614, 49, 16, -196613, 49, 65545, -196609, 22, 0, -262136, 49, 6, -262132, 49, 65544, -262127, 49, 65553, -262126, 49, 13, -262122, 49, 65548, -131078, 49, 12, -196605, 49, 65554, -196601, 49, 65553, -196600, 49, 4, -196597, 49, 15, -196596, 49, 65554, -196593, 49, 11, -196592, 49, 65542, -196591, 49, 65545, -196590, 49, 4, -196587, 49, 15, -131068, 49, 65547, -131066, 49, 65550, -131058, 22, 0, -131056, 49, 65540, -131052, 49, 13, -131051, 49, 65549, -1, 49, 65551, -65516, 49, 17, 65531, 24, 0, 2, 49, 65537, 19, 49, 65538, 20, 49, 13, 23, 49, 65546, 65542, 49, 65542, 65543, 49, 5, 65551, 49, 65546, 65555, 49, 6, 65558, 49, 65551, 65559, 49, 17, 196605, 49, 65554, 196606, 49, 65537, 196607, 49, 12, 131075, 49, 65555, 131078, 49, 13, 131092, 49, 65542, 131093, 49, 65537, 131094, 49, 65545, 196610, 49, 65543, 196630, 49, 16, 262146, 49, 65549, 262148, 49, 16, 262156, 49, 10, 262157, 49, 4, 262161, 49, 2, 262165, 49, 10, 262166, 49, 14, 262167, 49, 14, 393210, 49, 65548, 393212, 49, 65544, 393214, 23, 0, 327691, 49, 65553, 327692, 49, 65549, 327695, 49, 65548, 327696, 49, 10, 327703, 49, 5, 458746, 49, 14, 458747, 49, 65544, 458749, 49, 65548, 393227, 49, 65539, 393231, 49, 9, 393237, 49, 65547, 393238, 49, 14, 524282, 49, 8, 524283, 49, 18, 524284, 49, 14, 524285, 49, 13, 524286, 49, 1, 458759, 49, 19, 458762, 49, 65538, 458763, 49, 17, 458770, 49, 7, 458773, 49, 65541, 458774, 49, 65546, 589819, 49, 65541, 589820, 49, 18, 524294, 49, 65553, 524295, 49, 65552, 524296, 49, 65550, 524297, 49, 7, 524298, 49, 11, 524299, 49, 65549, 524303, 49, 65541, 524304, 49, 9, 524305, 49, 65542, 524308, 49, 65552 )
[node name="LogHoles" type="TileMap" parent="."] [node name="LogHoles" type="TileMap" parent="."]
tile_set = ExtResource( 1 ) tile_set = ExtResource( 1 )
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ cell_size = Vector2( 16, 16 )
cell_quadrant_size = 8 cell_quadrant_size = 8
cell_custom_transform = Transform2D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) cell_custom_transform = Transform2D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
format = 1 format = 1
tile_data = PoolIntArray( -393212, 50, 8, -327674, 8, 0, -327672, 21, 0, -327670, 10, 0, -262141, 536870951, 0, -262139, 51, 0, -262135, 21, 0, -196606, 50, 65549, -65537, 33, 0, -131062, 27, 0, -2, 11, 0, -65529, 536870936, 0, -65521, 536870930, 0, 0, 71, 0, 7, 60, 0, 131070, 536870936, 0, 65548, 24, 0, 65549, 50, 65540, 131079, 10, 0, 131083, 16, 0, 131084, 16, 0, 131087, 536870951, 0, 196608, 536870936, 0, 196610, 20, 0, 196620, 50, 65540, 196624, 1073741868, 0, 196625, 536870951, 0, 262147, 15, 0, 262148, 20, 0, 262150, 50, 2, 262152, 536870951, 0, 262158, 536870954, 0, 262160, 1073741867, 0, 327685, 13, 0, 327689, 42, 0, 327691, 1073741863, 0, 327692, 536870955, 0, 327694, 1073741863, 0, 327695, 536870955, 0, 327696, 536870954, 0, 393223, 536870951, 0, 393224, 1073741866, 0, 393227, 1073741868, 0, 393229, 1073741863, 0, 458765, 536870951, 0 ) tile_data = PoolIntArray( -393212, 50, 8, -327674, 8, 0, -327672, 21, 0, -327670, 10, 0, -262141, 536870951, 0, -262139, 51, 0, -262135, 21, 0, -196606, 50, 65549, -65537, 33, 0, -131069, 536870962, 13, -131062, 27, 0, -2, 11, 0, -65531, 59, 0, -65529, 536870936, 0, -65524, 7, 0, -65521, 536870930, 0, 0, 71, 0, 7, 60, 0, 131070, 536870936, 0, 65548, 24, 0, 65549, 50, 65540, 131073, 6, 0, 131083, 16, 0, 131084, 16, 0, 131087, 536870951, 0, 196608, 536870936, 0, 196610, 20, 0, 196620, 50, 65540, 196624, 1073741868, 0, 196625, 536870951, 0, 262147, 15, 0, 262148, 20, 0, 262150, 50, 2, 262152, 536870951, 0, 262158, 536870954, 0, 262160, 1073741867, 0, 327685, 13, 0, 327689, 42, 0, 327691, 1073741863, 0, 327692, 536870955, 0, 327694, 1073741863, 0, 327695, 536870955, 0, 327696, 536870954, 0, 393223, 536870951, 0, 393224, 1073741866, 0, 393227, 1073741868, 0, 393229, 1073741863, 0, 458765, 536870951, 0 )
[node name="Air" type="TileMap" parent="."] [node name="Air" type="TileMap" parent="."]
z_index = 1 z_index = 1
@ -51,3 +51,4 @@ cell_size = Vector2( 16, 16 )
cell_quadrant_size = 8 cell_quadrant_size = 8
cell_custom_transform = Transform2D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) cell_custom_transform = Transform2D( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 )
format = 1 format = 1
tile_data = PoolIntArray( 131079, 10, 0 )

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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long